sometimes think the original Star Trek writers were high as kites on
goofballs. Last night I watched an episode where Kirk and co. beamed
down to a planet where malevolent flowers and exploding rocks were
killing off Red Shirts one by one. Then Kirk, Spock and Bones meet a
bunch of painted-red aliens with giant white Halloween fright wigs. One
of the aliens is Starsky or Hutch...I don't know which...the
one who beat his wife. The painted-red aliens worshipped a giant
papier-mâché snake head that needed them to throw bananas down it in
order to make it rain. Then another Red Shirt was hit in the head with a
giant wishbone and died. In the end, Kirk killed the papier-mâché
snake head, but we never saw what it was inside or how it grabbed the
Enterprise in a tractor beam. Kirk told the painted-red aliens to be
fruitful and multiply, and everyone laughed. They were like giant five
year olds. Without their papier-mâché snake head to do everything for
them, they'd all be dead a week after Kirk flew away. On a drugged-out
scale of 1 to Chris Farley, I'd give the writers/producers/director at
least an 8.

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