Here's part of the background of all our lives which even I, with my
intense loathing of all things government, never gave any thought to
until very recently:
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
worthless bureaucratic nitwit on a Quixotic quest to prove his
relevancy decided that every truck and piece of heavy construction
equipment has to shriek like a nuisance alarm clock every time it's
thrown into reverse?
If you can't see the bulldozer backing into you, if you can't feel the rumble of the bulldozer backing into you, if you can't already hear
the bulldozer backing into you, you were likely going to get flattened
by the bulldozer anyway, even if it wasn't screaming that unholy beep as
it flew breathlessly at you at a breakneck four miles an hour.
some point some government committee decided to mandate this "safety"
feature. Since then, how many millions have been sucked out of the real
economy and sluiced into the bleeping box business?
But bleeping boxes save lives, you heartless fiend! Think of the children!
there's where I lose. It's an argument based purely on emotion. Oh,
I'm sure there were studies with blindfolded test subjects who said,
"You know what? Why, yeah, I can hear that horrible pterodactyl
shriek better than the low engine rumble." Of course you can. But
there's no way to prove beyond a rigged study that the addition of a
bleeping box has saved a single life in the real world.
there's also no way to argue with emotion, and logic loses every time.
And so, thanks to a team of faceless bureaucrats lounging around in the
bowels of some government building we paid for, the daily symphony of
our lives has a little more demented piccolo, and a little more money
has been transferred from the productive sector of the economy and
thrown down the bottomless government-mandate rathole.
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