Liking Author Pages
I'm not Jim Mullaney. I'm guesting on his blog to post a request.
If you're on Jim's author page on Amazon, look up. See that "Like" up there? I received an
email from an author. In it, he asks the people on his mailing list to
go to his Amazon Author page and click the "like" on the upper right
hand side of the page. He says he's been told it can help with the
"discoverability" of his books there. So -- if you'd like to help Jim, please click the "like."
And now, returning the blog to Jim:
Warren is trying to do with The Destroyer and what I'm trying to do
with my Crag Banyon and Red Menace books is drum up interest that will
translate into dollars that'll keep our respective enterprises afloat.
If you ever enjoyed anything we ever wrote, a kind review, an Amazon
"like," a recommendation to a friend is what we both need now to keep
going. They might seem like small things, but they aren't...which is why
I'm always grateful every time I see that someone's taken the time to
review one of my books. I hate sounding like a PBS pledge drive but,
unlike PBS, Warren and I don't get any handouts from the government.
Except, of course, for Warren's free WIC cheese. And I think they were
going to name a dog track after him in West Virginia, but Bob Byrd beat
him to it.
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